Saved by the Kale

Thinking Out Loud #6

Wow, this week is flying by! Can you believe it is Thursday again…and of course that means it’s time to link up with Amanda for….

thinking-out-loud (1)

1. Back in December I mentioned that it just did not look like Christmas cards were going to happen this year. The first year ever that I let time slip by and did not send out cards! It really bothered me because I love sending out Christmas cards.  So we decided to send out New Year cards. Yay!

New Year Cards

2. I am continuing to work on my yoga everyday.  Working on a backbend the last few days. I’ve got a lot of work to do but it’s a start!


3. I was super excited when I saw these babies at the grocery store this week.  They haven’t had any at my local grocery store for a couple of months.

Purple Potatoes

4. I am on the 3rd book in the Divergent series and I am trying to decide what I want to read next. So many good choices. It’s kind of alot pressure. Weird right? I just feel that my free time is so limited I want to make the best choice for the time that I do have to read.

5. I’ve got this song stuck in my head! (don’t judge me) 🙂

6. I cannot leave today without telling you guys that last night I discovered the absolute best chip ever made!  I don’t eat chips all that often but I do occasionally like them with my guac, usually I reach for Trader Joe’s Sweet Potato Chips, but I picked up this bag of The Better Chip at Whole Foods the other day and they are so good.  A whole different level of good! My life is changed!

The Better Chip


Let’s Chat:

What are you currently reading?

What song is stuck in your head?