A few months ago a friend loaned me a book The Beauty Detox Solution. There were lots of good recipes and information in the book. A few weeks ago I tried making the Probiotic Enzyme Salad that she talks about in the book. It was very easy to make. You only need cabbage, salt, and filtered water. This salad helps promote optimal digestion and the cleansing of acidic waste, which helps contribute to increased energy. You let it ferment in your pantry for about a week, when you open the jar be prepared for a strong strong smell. The taste is not bad at all, just tangy like sauerkraut. It is packed full of vitamin C and healthy bacteria. I encourage you to give this a try. It will help balance the pH in your body and make your body happier. I eat about 1/2 cup each day at dinner time.
Discard the top few leaves. Also be careful when opening for the first time. It spewed all over my husband. 🙂 Not a great smell to have on you!
Below is a video where Kim shows just how to make it. Check it out!