Saved by the Kale

5 Things Making Me Happy! #4

It’s been a good week! The weather has been so nice. In the 70’s as highs, just right for having fun outside. Runs in the mornings, afternoon walks with Jim and Emma while snacking on apples. I have been seeing so many people in the blog world and “real” world putting out Christmas decorations and I am getting so tempted to pull ours out! I usually wait until the week of Thanksgiving, we’ll see if I hold out that long this year. Should be another fun weekend. I’m doing the Turkey Run (5k) Saturday morning and Lily is signed up for the 1 mile Fun Run! This will be her second fun run and she is so excited! 

And now on to a few things that made this week fun!

1. These Healthy Rice Crispy Treats

I got the recipe here! No marshmallows and no butter. The recipes uses honey (or brown rice syrup) I used honey, and coconut oil in their place. I also added some Enjoy Life chocolate chips. They are really good, just sweet enough and you really do not miss the marshmallows. They hold together just like the original version. They have a honey taste and are delicious! 

2. This song from Imagine Dragons! 



3. Birchbox!

Have I mentioned before how much I love Birchbox <——referral link! 🙂 Because I do! It is definitely a fun little treat each month. Last month was another great box, one thing that really stuck out from last months box was this all in one hair product.

I will admit I was skeptical at first and was totally expecting not to like it, but I am in love with it. First thing is that it was a very generous sample. I have used it twice a week for 3 weeks and I still have some left. Second, it’s like a mousse, you wash your hair with it and cleans, conditions, detangles, and leaves your hair looking, feeling, and smelling amazing! It doesn’t leave your hair greasy just healthy and looking great! I was a little put off with the price of $33 at first until I realized that it’s not bad at all when you take into account that it is replacing so many products! I get excited when I find products that actually do what they say they will do! 🙂

4. These Honey Roasted Pumpkin Seeds!

 I seriously cannot get enough of these. I just used my last pumpkin and roasted up another batch of these! They satisfy my sweet and salty craving all at once.

5. Holiday Bucket List

I am a planner and I love to be organize. I’m starting on my Holiday Bucket List! This time of year always go by so fast and there are certain things I want to make sure we all get to do. Getting started on this makes me smile! I found this free printable to help out! 

Free Printable Family Happy Holiday Bucket List


I’m linking up today with Heather, Katie, and Clare!

Tell me one thing that made you smile this week? Have you started decorating for Christmas?