Saved by the Kale

Why You Should Start Eating Kale Today

Up until last year I had not really heard much at all about kale, but since then I see it everywhere I look! About 6 months ago I decided to give it a try and I have been in love since. What’s not to love? Let’s talk about all the wonderful things our friend kale does for us.

Kale is a Superfood

Kale is widely regarded as one the world’s most powerful superfoods; it is far more nutritious than any other leafy green. But what makes a superfood “super”? First, kale is considered a superfood because it’s a great source of vitamins and minerals. It is a nutritional powerhouse that is packed with flavonoids, which provide antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits. It has very high levels of Vitamins A, C, and K. It only takes one cup of chopped kale to provide you with  more than your recommended daily allowance of these vitamins. It also is a good source of Vitamin B6, calcium, thiamine, folate, and iron.

That’s Great, But How Do You Prepare Kale?

So what are the best ways to prepare this green leafy superfood? You can saute, steam, and bake it or eat it raw in smoothies (which is my personal favorite.) You should know that boiling or baking kale can result in lower absorption of isothiocyanates by 18-59%. You will have much higher absorption by eating it raw, steaming or sautéing it. This is important because isothiocyanates combat carcinogens by neutralizing them, reducing their poisonous effect and stimulating the secretion of carcinogens. For these reasons, kale is often included in many cancer prevention diet plans. You can learn more about what makes kale a super food here.

Here are a few of my favorite ways to eat kale…

  1. 3-4 cups of raw kale made into a Green Smoothie
  2. Lightly sautéed with a little olive oil and garlic
  3. Sautéed and mixed with a few spoonful of stewed tomatoes. The tomatoes add so much flavor.

So Give Kale A Try

Now that we’ve demystified kale a bit you should feel free to give it a try. Go out to your local market and buy some today. You’ll be glad you did!!

Image credit: Charles Smith via Compfight