Saved by the Kale

Thinking Out Loud #9

It’s Thursday and time for all things random! I’m joining Amanda in her Thinking Out Loud linkup!

Happy Thursday friends!

1) I’ll start by saying I was excited to see a message in my inbox this morning from Birchbox , the Zoya Remove Plus Nail Polish Remover is back in stock.  I have been on the wait list to get it for several months. I’ve read that it is supposed to be awesome and I am excited to give it a try when it arrives. I’ll let you know what I think! 🙂


2) J and I have been talking for a little while about cutting back on TV time. We don’t watch a crazy amount of tv but I feel like some of the time that we are watching tv in evenings could be better spent. I love love love to read but alot of nights by the time we are finished watching some recorded shows or something on Netflix ummm Parenthood, I  am too tired and ready to just go to sleep. So we have decided that 2 days a week we will not turn the TV on at all. For our days we chose Monday and Thursday. Monday was our first no tv day and it was so nice, much more peaceful, relaxing and productive. I can already tell that this is going to be a nice change!


3) I think J and I have decided that we are going to have a quiet Valentines evening in. Jim is going to make his out of this world Chicken Fettuccine Alfredo.  He seriously makes it better than anywhere I have ever had it. This will be a real treat since it has been over a year since we have had it! I won’t lie, I can’t wait 🙂

4) I’ve started adding back in some strength training to my weekly workouts. I have been sore everyday, but it’s kind of that hurts so good thing going on. I can tell I’m really pushing myself and I like that.  On the yoga front, still practicing that at least 5 days a week. Lately I’ve been working on inversions, a headstand to be specific. My first try was not so good, but since then I’ve been doing much better. My shoulders and core are getting stronger making it a little easier for me. Maybe I will have a pic for you next week 🙂

5) Look what I found at the store a couple of days ago! Sea Salt Caramel Apple Chips! I’ve heard rumor of these a while back, but I had yet to lay eyes on them! There were 2 bags left and I snatched up both of them! Salty and Sweet, can’t get much better than that!

Let’s Chat

How much tv do you watch a day? What’s your favorite tv show?

If you had to name your one must have beauty product what would it be?