Saved by the Kale

Thinking Out Loud #5

Hi guys, It’s Thursday my favorite blogging day thanks to Amanda and her Thinking Out Loud randomness!


Let’s get started…..

1. First off I’m proud of following through with one of my New Year goals.  I took a yoga class for the first time.  I have done yoga off and on a home for years and have always been curious about taking a class but it seems I always talk myself out of it.  I’ve only ever taken one other exercise class in my life I think basically because I find them a little intimidating at first and I second guess myself. So, in the end I choose to work out by myself at the gym or at home.  Taking the leap to go to a class felt good and I’m glad I did.  The instructor and everyone in the class was very welcoming. So, yay for new things!


2. I’m also making an effort to focus a little more on myself. Finding ways to relax and regroup. Taking time to start each day with a devotional and ending (some) days with a nice relaxing bath! I’m also been taking a moment each night to reflect on my day and to write something a quick note about something good that happened that day. Check out Amanda’s Memory Chest Project if you haven’t already.


3.  Drinking my coffee and tea out of this cute little mug can help brighten even the brightest of days!


4. Another thing that is making me happy this week is this family photo.  Finally a pic where we are all looking at the camera and smiling. A miracle people truly a miracle. 🙂


5. I’ve been thinking back to what my favorite purchases of 2013 were and hands down that goes to my Vitamix and Breville Juicer.  You know how you have some appliances that just take up space on your counter or cabinets, you bring them out one or two times a year maybe. ugh! That is not the case with my Vitamix and Juicer. I use them both daily. Almost every morning with a fresh juice and I usually make a green smoothie every afternoon and recently I have been using the Vitamix to help make soup.  Much love to both of these appliances!

My juice yesterday morning…


I hope you all have a wonderful Thursday!

Let’s Chat:

Do you have a favorite mug you drink your beverages from? and Does it make you just a little bit happier when you use them?

What have you done lately to step outside your comfort zone?