Saved by the Kale

Starting Fresh

I cannot believe we are only a fews day away from the new year. I’m sure it will take me forever to get used to writing 2014, but I am ready for a New Year and new exciting adventures.  Speaking of adventures we had actually planned to leave the day after Christmas and head to SC for 10 days, but we made a last minute change of plans.  I was starting to feel so overwhelmed with everything I felt I needed to do here at home.  I talking like serious deep cleaning and purging things and then reorganizing. Things that in a normal week I just do not have time to tackle.  It seems like we are either always busy with plans or travelling and those things just get pushed back and back and never happen.  So with the influx of the things we received and the kids received for Christmas I knew it was time! Thankfully J was on board with this and so we have been tackling one room at time and giving it a makeover. We are about half way over at this point.

I am also looking at paint colors. When we moved into this house we said we were going to paint the hallway and also the girls bathroom and we haven’t done it yet.  I have really been wanting to put gray up on the walls.  So of course I have been looking at Pinterest getting some ideas, I know we will be going with some shade of gray now I just need to decide how light or dark I want to go.  Here are a couple of shades I’m thinking about.

The first is Repose Gray. I know it is incredibly hard from the pic to really know what the color will look like but at least it gives me some idea.


and the second is Lazy Gray


Both seem to be very similar. I really just need to go pick up some paint cards and see what looks good.

It feels great to be doing this, you may think I’m crazy to choose this over being on vacation, but it feels good to get rid of things you no longer need or use. I cannot even tell you how extremely happy it makes me to walk into the rooms that I know are free of clutter and crap stuff. Freeing up space for what really matters! 🙂

Let’s Chat:

How often do you go through your house and purge items? I feel like I do this several times a year. It is amazing how quickly “things” accumulate!

Do you like organizing? OMG I love it, such a high…I know I’m a little crazy 🙂