Saved by the Kale

Plank a Day Challenge

About a month ago I started doing the Plank A Day Challenge.  It’s where you challenge yourself to do one plank a day holding it as long as you possibly can.  Not stopping until you absolutely have to drop. The goal is to work your core and abs. “To perform a plank, prop yourself up on your toes and forearms face down, drawing your belly button into your spine and keeping a straight body from your head down to your feet – there should be no bend or sag in your waist.” When I first started I could hold the plank 1 minute 23 seconds. Each day I try to beat my previous days time. I am really enjoying this ab challenge it’s a good way to make sure I get in an ab workout everyday! My personal goal would be to make it to 3 minutes. So far my longest time has been 2 minutes and 44 seconds. So I still have a little ways to go.  Usually while I am planking I listen to a song to try and distract myself. It does help, now I just need to find a way to make it through those last 15 seconds or so.


So tell me, have you took the Plank a Day challenge?

Any tips for holding a longer plank?