Saved by the Kale

Magic Moments

Christophe Verdier via Compfight

This week I want to focus on those little magic moments that make life so special.  In our busy lives it is so easy to let these wonderful moments pass by without giving them a second thought.  This is really such a shame.  These are the moments that really matter.  If we slow down we can notice these sweet little moments. It might be taking a moment to watch the sunset or listening to my girls play we they don’t realize I’m around, looking out the window to watch a bird find a worm or a squirrel uncover a buried acorn. These are magical moments. These are the moments that we will look back on and remember.

Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.
Robert Brault

I challenge you to take time out of your busy schedule to slow down and notice the magic moments in your life.