Saved by the Kale

How to Live Life More Intentionally

Shawn over at Awesomely Awake enlightened me about daily intentions (singular purposes that help us to live mindfully each day). Sometimes we get lost being parents, spouses, or students. It is so easy to get caught up in our daily routines that we forget who we really are and what life is all about. To help keep me focused I want to implement Weekly Intentions.

Set a Weekly Intention

Each week I will focus on one thing, which will help me to be more responsible and mindful of my thoughts and actions. Weekly intentions are not about crossing things off a to do list; they are about how you want to think, feel, or act. Don’t let life just happen to you. Be in charge of how you want to live your life.

My Plan

Each Sunday I will give some thought to my weekly intention. Posting it here will help keep me accountable and focused.

It may be helpful to set little reminders of what you intention is, that way it will be easier to stay on track. Putting sticky notes around the house can be a great reminder; I’ve written many of them!

Don’t feel bad or give up if you slip up, just brush it off and keep on going. With practice you will get better, and you will feel great about challenging yourself to become the person you want to be.

Grow Along With Me

I challenge each of you to go on this journey of intentional living with me. Please feel free to leave comments and tell us how you are doing or any tips you have. After all, it feels great to have the support of others.

Image credit: Navy Blue Stripes via Compfight