Saved by the Kale

Highlights from the Weekend

It was a perfectly Fall weekend, it was so HOT  all week but then the weekend was here and bam cool, crisp weather perfection! 

We knocked several things off of our Fall To-Do List and had so much fun doing it.

Friday night we had a family movie night and watched Hocus Pocus! I love that the girls love it every bit as much as I do! #parentingwin 

On Saturdays I let myself sleep in, which means I usually wake up at 7:00 instead of 5:00. Those extra 2 hours are wonderful and I also usually take Saturday off from working out, so this means I might just get to have a relaxing morning drinking coffee, reading blogs, writing, or responding back to a few emails. On Saturdays all of this is done from the bed. 🙂 

We made our candy apples! 

It’s funny the girls were excited to make them but didn’t want to eat them! 🙂 

On Sunday the girls had fun painting pumpkins. I’ve been doing this with them since they were little and they look forward to it every year!

I hope you all had a fabulous weekend also!