Saved by the Kale

5 Things Making Me Happy #11

How was everyone’s first full week of the new year?? Mine was good one, on New Year’s Day I said goodbye to all of our Christmas decorations. They are safely back in the attic to hang out for the year. The house is mostly clean, or as clean as you could expect with a 6 and 3 year old in the house.

School started back on Wednesday so Lily is back to class and Emma started PreK 3! Jim and I may have done a Happy Dance on Wednesday! Both girls in school. The house to ourselves! Eeekkkkkk!!!! 🙂

Now on to 5 Things….

1. Earlier this week I took Lily the movies to see Annie and we both loved it! As soon as we left the theater Lily was asking me to look up the songs so she could listen to them again. I have to say they are catchy and I like them as much or maybe even more than she does! The entire soundtrack is great, but my favorite is the song below. I challenge you to listen to the soundtrack and try not to dance…I don’t think it’s possible! 🙂

2. Jim and I have given up refined sugar for a time. We just feel like we need a little restart after the holidays. These Whole Wheat Carrot Muffins have been a life saver! They are amazing. I’ll have to do a post on them soon.

3. This Shrimp Fried Brown Rice recipe! I can’t get enough!

4. Emma has been so excited about starting school! (PreK3) She was ready for her first day!

5. The cold has found South GA! We don’t get too many really cold days (thankfully) but when we do it’s nice to snuggle next to the fire….and drink coffee of course!

Disclosure: Some 5 Things Making Me Happy posts may contain affiliate links. I appreciate your help in supporting this blog!

I’m linking up today with Heather, Katie, and Clare!

What has been making you smile this week?